|  | LGLC News for November 2019 | | | |  | It takes a village... and towns and counties and communities ... to protect Lake George. When we say we protect the land that protects the lake, the "we" goes far beyond the staff and board here at the LGLC. - We are thousands of people who donate any amount of money or purchase merchandise to support efforts to protect the land and water of Lake George.
- We are 200+ volunteers who lead hikes, remove trash and invasive plants, build bridges, stuff envelopes, provide advice and expertise, and and greet hikers at trailheads.
- We are more than 2,500 people who attend LGLC events throughout the year and learn about the plants, animals and history of Lake George.
- We are landowners who find great comfort in knowing that a piece of land will remain protected and cared for, while also protecting the lake's water quality, forever.
- We are elected officials who see the long-term benefits of land protection on water quality, as well as how both recreation and conservation benefit our community's economy.
- We are 20,000+ people who venture out and onto the trails of LGLC preserves and experience first-hand the beauty and peace provided by land that is able to exist as it was meant to be.
Thank you for being part of our village - we can't do it without you! | | | | |  | Thank you, volunteers! Those who volunteer to help "in the field" may have some glorified idea of what they're getting themselves into, but the reality is full of biting insects, hot sun (or cold snow), heavy loads, and tired muscles. These land laborers help our steward with projects, great and small, year-round, and are all heroes in our book. They help to keep our trails safe and fun, clear the forests of destructive invasive plants and pests, and scale cliffs to find boundary markers. We also fully implemented our Trail Hosts program, which relied on scheduled volunteers to greet preserve visitors and provide information about the trails and the LGLC. While more social in concept, these volunteers also reported back with important updates on trail conditions and feedback from hikers that help us in our continuing efforts to provide rewarding experiences for our guests. We also extend a huge thank you to our event volunteers who brainstorm, organize supplies, ask for donations, lead groups and programs, troubleshoot, and represent the LGLC and its mission to the public. Our events, whether fundraisers or free, are valuable tools that help us get out our message that protecting the land protects the lake. Our volunteers - field, event, office, NextGen, Board, and otherwise - are our ambassadors, and we couldn't ask for a better group to help us grow. Thank you! | | | | | | |  | Thank you, hikers! This year, more than 19,000 people logged in to our parks and preserves. This number hardly represents the actual number of hikes, however. Add in another couple thousand visits that are not logged (especially by repeat guests who visit frequently), and another 10,000 or so who hike the DEC-owned, but LGLC-managed, trails at Cat and Thomas Mts and Pole Hill Pond Preserves, and you'd be getting closer. Hikers vary as much as the land they travel. From our log-in books we know that some honored us with their trust, embarking on their very first hike in the woods at one of the LGLC's preserves. Some got engaged at the summit. A few had first dates. Children as young as 16 months were documented, often with the proud exclamation, "1st hike!" One guest wrote "76 and 5 year old completed!" Some celebrated a birthday; one, a bachelorette party. Some visited from Canada, Germany, Israel, and England. Some said they were tired, but almost all said it was beautiful and "worth it." To all of you: thank you for being our guests, for learning why the land is important in protecting the water, and for seeing the work that we do, the lake that we protect, and the forests that surround it. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us and all those who followed in your footsteps. | | | | | |  | Thank you, partners! On October 28, about 40 people from the Adirondack Regional Chamber of Commerce, Lake George Chamber of Commerce, and the general public, joined us to celebrate the opening of the newly renovated trails at the Schumann Preserve at Pilot Knob. After a welcome by the Chambers and LGLC's Executive Director Jamie Brown, Kurt Schumann spoke about his late wife and past LGLC Executive Director Lynn Schumann's passion for protecting Lake George and, especially, this piece of property. Now a beloved part of the LGLC's parks and preserves, the trails host more than 8,000 people each year. We thank the Chamber staff and members for coming out in support of this preserve and our efforts to provide safe, enjoyable destinations for our region's residents and visitors. Partnerships such as this show our diverse reach and involvement within our communities all around Lake George. We all share a common thread, and working together we can do great things for Lake George! | | | | |  | - Christmas Bird Count, Lake George Region, December 14
Cabin Fever Open House, January 16 @ LGLC Office, 3 - 5 PM Stop in between 3 and 5 PM to say hello, grabs some treats, and see what's ahead in 2020! -
Cross-Country Ski, February 1 @ Cat and Thomas Mts Preserve, 9:30 AM - 3 PM New route this year! Ski the lower trail, from Valley Woods Rd to Edgecomb Pond and back. -
Walk on Water to Dome Island, February 15 @ LGLC Office/Dome Island, 10 AM and 2 PM Online registration will open Monday, January 6 (must register online; no email or phone calls please) | | | | | | | | Lake George Land Conservancy 4905 Lake Shore Dr., PO Box 1250 | Bolton Landing, New York 12814 518-644-9673 | giving@lglc.org | | | | | | | |