| | A Note from Jamie Brown, Executive Director The current situation has changed our way of life. We here at the LGLC offer our sympathy for those who have fallen ill, and our thanks and appreciation for those who have put themselves in harm’s way to help others during this time. In these times of great uncertainty, the land, water and seasons provide us with a much-needed sense of normalcy. As my son and I played in our backyard, we heard the robins, cardinals and chickadees all calling out for mates. We thrilled to see the green of the grass after the spring rain and enjoyed the millions of buds beginning to appear on the bushes and trees. Later, we marveled at the familiar and welcoming sound of the spring peepers from the nearby wetlands calling out in the early night. There are some great adventures to have in your own backyard. Our preserves that remain open are available to those who can enjoy them as a local and safe alternative using the guidelines established by the State. For everyone else, please remember to recreate locally, safely and with household members. The LGLC knows how important the land that protects the lake is to you. Our staff continue to work on land protection and stewardship projects. Your continued support and commitment during this uncertain time has been amazing – thank you! The LGLC is weathering these difficult times because of you. We are all in this together! Stay safe and healthy. I look forward the day that we can meet up on one of our LGLC preserves and gather in a safe and happy way. | | The LGLC received a Matching Challenge of $10,000 from The Cloudsplitter Foundation to support the Twin Pines acquisition; their funds will match any new gifts to the project by June. We are pleased to report that thanks to many generous donors, we have reached $8,000, leaving just $2,000 to finish the challenge. Click the button below to learn more about the Campaign and how you can help! | | | | | | | |  | #HikeLocalLG, #HikeResponsibly We know that nature therapy is very real, and important part of many people's lives. Especially now, getting fresh air and sunshine is a welcome part of the day. When you do venture out, please keep the following in mind to stay safe: Stay Local: As much as we all love Lake George (and Bolton Landing, and Hague, and Ticonderoga, and Fort Ann...) if you don't live here, please take this time to enjoy exploring your own town and backyard. Lake George and all of its communities will be here when it's safe to return. Meanwhile, LGLC staff continue to take care of all of our protected lands so that they never stop protecting the water of Lake George. And when the time is right, we will happily welcome you back to enjoy these lands and 30+ miles of trails. Stay Safe: If a trailhead parking area is busy, avoid it and visit another time. When on the trails, stay at least 6 feet away from other hikers. If you're not feeling well, stay home until you are better. Trail Registers: The LGLC uses registers to help us keep track of how many people are using certain preserves, and they can be useful resources in emergency situations. The NYS DEC has shared recommendations on how to safely continue using trailhead registers to minimize the spread of COVID-19. If you choose to avoid the registers, check in to the preserve on Facebook to document that you visited. All of our parks and preserves have their own page; be sure to check in to the correct page (ours all have the LGLC logo as our profile pic)! Click the button below to see all of NYS DEC's recommendations for safe outdoor recreation. | | | | | |  | Preserve Closures Due to overcrowding that posed a health risk to those using the trails, the Town of Bolton closed the Pinnacle on April 8th; the LGLC followed suit, closing the Schumann Preserve on April 9th. We are in the business of protecting the land that protects the lake and we open our land so that people may enjoy it and have access to the great outdoors. Unfortunately, we are in historic times, and these times require us to take quick action to protect the public – even if that means a temporary halt to enjoying our land. | | | | | |  | 2020 Hike-A-Thon is Going Virtual! The 2020 Hike-A-Thon was on route to be the largest, most exciting Hike-A-Thon yet. And it still can be - with your help! Due to the pandemic and focus on individual outings, the Hike-A-Thon will be run as a virtual event rather than volunteer-led groups. We encourage everyone—registered or not—to participate! With your cooperation, we can still make this a great event. How to participate: -
Go outside on July 5th to enjoy an outing on your own. This may be in your own backyard, a local park, or other favorite hike or paddle. If social distancing protocols are still in place, please continue to be safe and choose a destination that is local to you, and avoid crowds. -
Show your Hike-A-Thon pride! Wear a t-shirt from a past Hike-A-Thon or this year’s. Those who have already registered will still have a free shirt available to them (details on delivery will be sent directly to the registrants). This year’s shirt, as well as past years’, will also available to purchase via lglcstore.myshopify.com. Orders must be placed by June 5th for delivery by July 1st. | | As always, we are so grateful to all of you who made a donation with your registration, and to our sponsors. This year their support is especially important as we work through these difficult times. Please help us show our thanks by supporting them, as they have supported us: | | | | | | | | |  | 2020 is the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day! Did You Know? On April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans — 10% of the U.S. population at the time — took to the streets, college campuses and hundreds of cities to protest environmental ignorance and demand a new way forward for our planet. The first Earth Day is credited with launching the modern environmental movement, and is now recognized as the planet’s largest civic event. There are lots of resources and organizations out there providing information on how you can help celebrate Earth Day, every day; here are just a few: | | | | | | | | | | | Lake George Land Conservancy 4905 Lake Shore Dr., PO Box 1250 | Bolton Landing, New York 12814 518-644-9673 | giving@lglc.org | | | | | | | |