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|  | Earth Day Events that Have an Impact Earth Day is April 22, and you can celebrate this holiday by joining a group activity in your hometown, or doing something on your own, now and/or all year-round! Here are some activities in the Lake George region, all happening Saturday, April 22: - Trail Cleanup at The Pinnacle Preserve, 9 am - noon (come for some or all the time), in Bolton, NY. Basic trail maintenance with the LGLC, plus learn some tree ID! >More Info
- Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day hosted by Warren County Dept of Public Works, 8 am - noon at the County Admin Building, 4028 Main St, Warrensburg, NY >More Info
- Earth Day Celebration, 110 am - 2 pm, in City Park, Glens Falls, NY. Electronics recycling, speakers, table exhibits, activities for all ages. >More Info
- Earth Day Feeder Canal Clean Sweep, 8:30 am. Trail cleanup in Warren and Washington Counties, starts in Hudson Falls, NY. >More Info
- Earth Day at Ticonderoga Natural Foods Co-Op, 10 am - 2 pm in Ticonderoga, NY. Workshops and activities for all ages. >More Info
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|  | Indian Brook Matching Challenge from the Stromberg Family You are invited to be a part of a new, generous opportunity to double your own impact on the Indian Brook & Northwest Bay Conservation Initiative: the Stromberg family has graciously provided a matching challenge of up to $50,000 to complete our two most recent conservation projects in this important area! Together, these properties protect 48 acres of land that includes 3,745 feet of Indian Brook and seasonal streams and 5 acres of wetlands that serve to filter and cleanse water before flowing into Lake George. Since our first conservation project in 1990, the LGLC and its partners have permanently conserved a total of 2,520 acres that are crucial to keeping Indian Brook and Northwest Bay clean. As one of Lake George’s largest tributaries, Indian Brook delivers millions of gallons of water into Northwest Bay each year. Healthy and intact forests, streams, and wetlands are essential for filtering and cleaning water before it reaches the lake. Learn more about these projects, and help us unlock this match today! |
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|  | Tickets Available Now: Join the 2023 Honorary Committee The LGLC's 24th annual Land & Water Conservation Celebration will be held Friday, July 28, at the Inn at Erlowest, for an evening to celebrate our successes in land conservation. Tickets for the event will go on sale in May, but you can reserve your seats now by joining our Honorary Committee, one of the most immediate and impactful ways you can help protect the Lake George watershed! Your support is welcome at any time, but please note that the deadline to be included in the event's invitation is April 19th. |
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|  | Annual Report Now Available The LGLC's 2022 Annual Report has been delivered to mailboxes across the country, but you can also read it online or download it as a PDF at LGLC.org/2022-annual-report. Get an in-depth look at the LGLC's conservation work throughout the 2022 calendar year, plus a financial review of our 2022 fiscal year (July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022). |
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|  | Registration Closes April 30 for the 11th Annual Hike-A-Thon For just a few more weeks, you can still register to participate in the Hike-A-Thon! Join us either virtually or at the Prospect Mountain driveable site, which is a great option for those with limited mobility who wish to join a group. Plus, did you know that our friends at the Southern Adirondack Independent Living Center (SAIL) also have equipment available for those who need it, including wheelchairs and strollers designed for more rugged travel? Contact their Queensbury office for details (518-791-3537). Information about registration, how to volunteer, and how to sponsor the event are all at lakegeorgehikeathon.org. |
| | The Hike-A-Thon's after-party is open to everyone - no registration needed! - and will be held at the Bolton Community Center from 11:30 am - 2:30 pm. Come for live music by the High Peaks Bluegrass Band, drinks donated by the Adirondack Pub and Brewery, and food for purchase from the Rotary Club of Glens Falls. Plus, hands-on activities with sponsors and guests! |
| Thank You to our 2023 Hike-A-Thon Sponsors! |
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|  | | | April 22: Earth Day Trail Cleanup 9 AM - Noon | Join LGLC staff for a morning at the Pinnacle Preserve for some basic trail cleanup and stewardship, plus some tree and wildlife ID. Tasks can be suitable for most ages; come for a little while or the whole time. Info and RSVP |
| April 24: Cleanup Day at Peggy's Point 10 AM - 2 PM| Join us for a spring cleanup at Peggy’s Point! Volunteers are needed to help clear away leaves, branches, and clutter, to assist with pruning and trimming trees and shrubs, and to help remove invasive species. Info and RSVP |
| April 29: Owl Prowl with Alan Belford 6:30 - 9:30 PM | Ornithologist and Licensed Guide Alan Belford is back with an LGLC favorite, an evening/night-time walk in search of owls at Amy's Park! Info and RSVP |
| May 12 & 13: Wilderness First Aid Course Registration is open for this 2-day Wilderness First Aid course focusing on emergency back-country skills, held at the LGLC office in Bolton. Certification is valid for 2 years. $225 course fee. Info and RSVP |
| May 20: Lake George Ecology 8:30 AM | Learn from a Naturalist about the plants and animals of the Lake George watershed during a hike up Thomas Mt. Moderate, 3 miles round-trip. Info and RSVP |
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| | | Lake George Land Conservancy 4905 Lake Shore Dr., PO Box 1250 | Bolton Landing, New York 12814 518-644-9673 | giving@lglc.org |
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